Barre Classes

Total Body Barre:

Total Body Barre is a full workout from head to toe using larger functional movements while also incorporating the small isometric movements we know and love in barre. Using the foundational elements of ballet and dance, we’ll get full workout in that will leave you feeling strong and confident.

Barre Cardio:

If you’re looking to take your heart rate to the next level, try this class! We’ll keep the same barre moves you love while adding in more full-range movements to increase your intensity. No jumping is included in this class so barre socks/barefoot is welcomed!

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Need a booty-kicker?

If you’re looking to take your barre experience to the next level grab a booty kicker, the most stable, portable, and versatile barre out there. Save $20 and receive a FREE Bender Ball when you purchase through the link provided.

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